Mixed recycling banks
Mixed recycling banks
You can use our 1100 litre mixed reycling banks if you live:
- on an estate
- in a mansion block
- in a flat
To use the banks:
- you don't need to separate items
- don't use recycling bags - put items straight into the bank
We usually empty the banks once a week.
The flaps on recycling banks are kept locked to prevent contamination of the bank.
Before you recycle
Before you recycle, make sure all items are:
- clean
- dry
- empty
- wash anything that's had food or drink in it
- flatten cardboard and cartons
- squash plastic bottles (you can keep plastic lids on)
We recycle
- card, cardboard, unshredded paper, newspaper, magazines, junk mail, telephone directories and envelopes
- glass containers, bottles and jars (take metal lids off and put them loose in your recycling)
- food and drink cartons including Tetra Pak type food and drink cartons
- metal containers, tins and cans
- plastic containers, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays
We don't recycle
- food waste
- garden waste
- clothes, shoes or textiles
- other plastics including carrier bags, polystyrene or cling film
- wood, building or DIY materials
- foil or metals (other than cans)
- shredded paper
- nappies including used nappies
- broken glass or Pyrex glass
- light bulbs
- batteries
- aerosol cans
Order a reusable recycling bag
If you live on an estate, a mansion block or in a flat we can send you a reusable recycling bag to carry your recycling to the banks.
Last updated: 29 November 2019