DIY waste
What is DIY waste?
DIY waste, or construction and demolition waste, is generated through building or renovation work.
Under waste legislation, DIY waste is classed as industrial waste even if it's generated at home. This means the Council isn't responsible for providing free disposal points.
DIY waste includes:
- hardcore, rubble or bricks
- paving slabs
- plasterboard
- roofing materials
- soil or turf
- bath, toilet or basin units
- central heating system components
- tiles
- doors, windows and frames
- kitchen units and wardrobes
- shed or fence panels
- laminate flooring
- timber, MDF or hardboard
- paint
If you are planning a project that is going to create a lot of waste, do your best to reduce or reuse as much as possible.
Anyone wishing to deliver commercial or industrial waste (which includes large quantities of DIY waste from your home), or anyone who is not a resident within the borough, can contact Cory Environmental Ltd on 020 8871 3924 to confirm trade opening times and current trade waste charges.
Small amounts of DIY waste
If you have a small quanity of DIY waste you can dispose of it at the Western Riverside Reuse and Recycling Centre.
A small quantity is approximately one car load of DIY waste.
Large amounts of DIY waste
The Council doesn't accept large quantities of DIY waste. This is to:
- control costs to Council Tax payers: construction and demolition waste is heavy and expensive to process
- stop traders from illegally using public tips
- reduce congestion: large volumes of DIY waste takes longer to unload than household and recyclable waste
- improve health and safety: by reducing large vehicles on sites and the potentially dangerous handling of construction demolition waste
What if someone else is doing the work on your home?
It's the builder's legal responsibility to dispose of all waste that's generated as a result of their business. Before you hire a contractor:
- find out how they plan to recycle or dispose of waste
- make sure disposal costs are included in their quote
If someone removes rubbish for you, whether paid or unpaid, it's your responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate licence such as a waste carrier's licence.
If they fly-tip your waste you could be liable for a fine of up to £5,000.
Check your contractor's licence with the Environment Agency.
Last updated: 29 November 2019