Kensington and Chelsea Register Office opening hours and location

Opening times and location for the Register Office at Chelsea Old Town Hall


Kensington and Chelsea Register Office
Chelsea Old Town Hall
King’s Road

Nearest Tube: Sloane Square (Circle and District lines), South Kensington (Piccadilly line). For help with planning your journey visit the Transport for London (TfL) website.

Opening hours

Please time your visit so you arrive no later than 30 minutes before closing time.

The Register Office runs an appointment system - you must make an advance booking for any of the services we provide.

Please make an appointment to access our services

Regular opening hours

Day Opening hours 
Monday 8am to 5pm – by prior appointment only
Tuesday 8am to 5pm – by prior appointment only
Wednesday 8am to 5pm – by prior appointment only
Thursday 8am to 7pm – by prior appointment only
Friday 8am to 5pm – by prior appointment only
Saturday 10am to 6pm – by prior appointment only
Sunday and bank holidays Closed


The Register Office is closed at these times:

  • Every Wednesday between 9am and 10am for staff training
  • Sundays
  • Public holidays


Emergency service - for the registration of deaths outside of our normal office hours 

An emergency service to arrange for same-day burials or cremations is available on Sundays and Bank Holidays, except Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Whit Sunday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

The telephone number for this service is 020 7361 3000 - however it is only for use in an emergency.

This telephone number is for the borough duty officer who will then contact the registrar on call. You must telephone between the hours of 9am and 10am if you require to be seen that day.

The green form for burial or cremation may be issued only if:

  • the medical certificate of cause of death is completed correctly by the doctor certifying death and
  • the death has not been or does not need to be reported to the coroner and
  • the body is not being removed from England or Wales.

You will need to travel to the location of the registrar on call.

You should then make arrangements to re-attend the Register Office on the next working day in order to register the death in full.

The Kensington and Chelsea Register Office adheres to required national standards. Information on our performance can be found on our service delivery page.

Last updated: 7 April 2022