LSCP Subgroups
There are a number of LSCP subgroups which meet at least quarterly where much of the business of the Partnership is taken forward. They are as follows:
LSCP Best Practice and Performance Subgroup
This group oversees the LSCP multi-agency dataset that is scrutinised quarterly as well as the LSCP multi-agency audits (aiming to complete at least 2-3 multi-agency audits per year) in order to provide challenge and scrutiny across the Partnership.
The subgroup also helps to undertake an annual training needs analysis and uses this information to help plan and coordinate our LSCP safeguarding children training programme, ensuring that the local children’s workforce is equipped to deliver sound safeguarding practice whilst responding to local priorities and national developments and learning. The subgroup evaluates the training programme and where possible encourages multi-agency partners to help co-deliver the workshops available on the programme.
- Trish Stewart, Associate Director of Safeguarding, CLCH
- Vacant
Case Review Subgroup
This group considers how local agencies can learn from national and local case review findings and oversees the implementation of local action plans arising from case reviews.
- Nicci Wotton - Consultant Nurse for Safeguarding, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- Vacant
Children and Community Engagement and Accountability Subgroup
This subgroup has two main responsibilities: Firstly, to engage with and seek the voice of our local children and young people about safeguarding issues that matter to them and share with them how the LSCP is responding to these issues. Secondly, to provide support and guidance on key safeguarding children topics to our local community and voluntary sector groups.