Gaming Permits
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If your premises is licensed under the Licensing Act 2003 for the sale of alcohol on the premises (excluding premises where the sale of alcohol on the premises is to accompany food) then you may make available either one or two gaming machines (of Category C or D) as long as the licence holder for the sale of alcohol gives notice of the intention to make gaming machines available, to the licensing authority, and pays the £50 fee.
This is in accordance with Section 282 of the Gambling Act 2005.
Licensees who wish to provide more than two Category C or D machines must obtain a Gaming Machine Permit. Applicants can use the same form to apply for a Gaming Machine Permit or to notify the licensing authority of their intention to make available one or two machines.
Club Gaming and Club Machine Permits
Members' clubs and miners welfare institutes may apply to the licensing authority for a Club Gaming Permit, to make available up to three gaming machines, each of which is Category B, C or D, and to provide equal chance gaming and facilities for games of chance. Alternatively, they may apply for a Club Machine Permit to make available up to three gaming machines, of Category B, C or D.
Applicants should consult Sections 266 and 268 of the Gambling Act 2003 to check whether the club meets the definition of members' club or miners' welfare institutes before submitting an application.
Applications must be made on the correct form which can be used for either a Club Gaming Permit or a Club Machine Permit. If you require any assistance in completing the form please contact the Licensing Team on 020 7341 5152.
See the Gambling Commission's website for further information on the maximum stakes and prizes for Gaming Machines.
Last updated: 20 April 2023