Other Licensing Fees

General Licensing Fees

The licence fee is made up of two parts. Part A covers the costs of processing the application and must be paid at the time of submitting an application. Part B is to cover the ongoing costs, for visits, enforcement and other costs not directly associated with the processing of the application and is payable if the licence is granted.

The Part A and Part B fees can be paid together at the beginning of the application process, and if the application is not granted the Part B fee will be refunded. Paying Part A and Part B together will ensure that as soon as the licence is granted the applicant can operate immediately.

If the Part B fee is not paid at the time the application is submitted it will be a condition of the licence (once granted) that the licence is not effective until such time as the Part B fee is paid.

When applying for a renewal, if the Part B fee is not paid at the time of the application, it must be paid within 7 days of notification of the application being granted, otherwise it will be a condition of the licence that the premises cannot operate under the licence until the Part B fee is paid.  

The drop downs below set out the fees for the various licences

Special treatment licences

License / Application type Fees part A Fees part B Total
Grant (includes first treatment room) 638.00 323.00 961.00
Renewal (includes first treatment room) 429.00 323.00 752.00
Additional Treatment Room 99.00   99.00
Variation* 159.00   159.00
Transfer 149.00   149.00
Occasional 232.00   232.00
Ear Piercing - lobe only 172.00   172.00
Manicure only (ancillary) 420.00   420.00

* If the premises are currently licensed for ear piercing or manicure ancillary to the main business and an application is made to vary the licence to include other treatments, the difference between the Annual Special Treatment Licence fee and the reduced fee for the ancillary treatment would be payable. If the variation is to add more than one additional treatment room, then a further fee of £99.00 is payable for each additional treatment room.

Animal licences

Licence/Application Type Fees part A Fees part B Total
Selling animals as Pets grant 605 249 854
Renewal 444 249 693
Boarding of cats or dogs grant 502 249 751
Renewal 349 249 598
Dog Day Care grant 487 249 736
Renewal 349 249 598
Home Boarding grant 394 249 643
Renewal 273 249 522
Breeding Dogs grant 781 249 1030
Renewal 673 249 922
Hiring out Horses grant 682 249 931
Renewal 527 249 776
Keeping or Training Animals for Exhibition grant 467 105 572
Renewal 386 105 491
Dangerous Wild Animals New 547 105 652
Renewal 434 105 539
Zoo Licence 1598 331 1929
Consideration of appeal to re-rate a premises 94   94

Scrap metal dealers licences

Licence / Application type Fees part A Fees part B Total
Grant 272.00 345.00 617.00
Renewal 112.00 345.00 457.00
Variation 183.00   183.00
Change of name or address 35.00   35.00
Replacement licence 21.00   21.00
Licence / Application type Fees part A (£) Fees part B (£) Total (£)
Grant 197.00 51.00 248.00
Renewal 129.00 51.00 180.00
Change of name or address 35.00   35.00
Replacement licence 21.00   21.00

Other trading licences

Licence / Application type Fees part A Fees part B Total
Occasional Sale (car boot sale) 300.00   300.00
Sunday Loading Consent 209.00 89.00 298.00
Near Beer 4791.00 797.00 5588.00
Booking Office 201.00   201.00

Sex establishment licenses

Sex shop / Sex cinema
Licence / Application type Fees part A Fees part B Total
Grant 3891.00 1255.00 5146.00
Renewal 280.00 1255.00 1535.00
Variation mid term 1538.00   1538.00
Variation at renewal 1335.00   1335.00
Transfer 753.00   753.00
Sexual entertainment venue (SEV)
Licence / Application type Fees part A Fees part B Total
Grant 5123.00 1476.00 6599.00
Renewal 2573.00 1476.00 4049.00
Variation mid term 3852.00   3852.00
Variation at renewal 1308.00   1308.00
Transfer 763.00   763.00

General notes for all licences

If an annual licence is surrendered for cancellation, a pro-rata refund of the Part B fee will be made of the fee paid for each complete month, which remains unexpired, subject to the Council’s costs being covered. (The date of surrender will be deemed to be the date the licence is received by the Council).

Explosives Storage (these fees are set by statute and are payable in full at the time of submitting the application).

Licence to store explosive where a minimum separation distance is prescribed (regulation 27 and Schedule 5 of the 2014 Regulations)

  • 1 year        £189.00
  • 2 years      £248.00
  • 3 years      £311.00
  • 4 years      £382.00
  • 5 years      £432.00

Renewal of Licence to store explosive where a minimum separation distance is prescribed

  • 1 year         £88.00
  • 2 years     £150.00
  • 3 years     £211.00
  • 4 years     £272.00
  • 5 years     £333.00

Licence to store explosive where no minimum separation distance is prescribed

  • 1 year      £111.00
  • 2 years    £144.00
  • 3 years    £177.00
  • 4 years    £211.00
  • 5 years    £243.00

Renewal of Licence to store explosive where no minimum separation distance is prescribed

  • 1 year         £55.00
  • 2 years       £88.00
  • 3 years     £123.00
  • 4 years     £155.00
  • 5 years     £189.00
  • Transfer of a licence      £37.00
  • Variation of a licence (name/address)    £37.00
  • Replacement of licence or registration of lost    £37.00 
  • Any other type of variation - the reasonable cost to the licensing authority of having the works carried out.


Last updated: 4 April 2022