Holding an event in a public space in the Borough

This is the Council's standard events guidance to be read in conjunction with the current Covid-19 specific requirements before submitting an application.

Guidance for events


Notice period


Street events and promotions

For promotional activity or other activities with a very low impact, such as a small charity walk with no infrastructure, you must provide at least 10 working days’ notice.

For all other street events we need between 6 and 12 weeks' notice, depending on the location and impact of the event. These are events that include road closures and/or parking suspensions and will have an impact on residents and businesses in the area. For these events you may need other licenses or permissions; we can advise further once we have received your application.

Park events

For small events (under 499 attendees) in a park, we need at least 6 weeks' notice. For events that may need a licence, we need up to 12 weeks' notice.

For larger events (above 499 attendees) involving licensable activities, it may take longer to approve. Licensable activities are activities like sale of alcohol and regulated entertainment.

For more detail on the licensing requirements at events, go to the Events in parks page.

Approval process


We will decide if you can hold your event by looking at the following:

  • Is the event or activity suitable in the proposed location?
  • Will the event or activity be managed safely and under the terms and conditions of the event licence?
  • Has enough notice been given to facilitate the event?
  • Will the event benefit, and be supported by, the community and local businesses?
  • Are there any existing event applications in the proposed location on the same day?
  • Were previous events organised by the event organiser managed well?

Once you have sent your application we will review it and get in touch with you with further information. There may be licenses you need to apply for or other council procedures to be aware of. If you do not reply we will not be able to approve your event. We will write to you to let you know why.

Council permissions can include:

  • Highways
  • Street Lighting
  • Parking
  • Street Trading and Enforcement
  • Environmental Health
  • Licensing
  • Planning

Please note
The Special Events office also charge an administration fee at an hourly rate (currently £104 inclusive of VAT) to cover officer time, general advice, office costs and liaison with other Council officers, if required.
All payments must be made by debit or credit card before the event takes place and before any licences can be issued.
We will accommodate late applications where possible, but a charge of £85 will be applied (any applications submitted late are not guaranteed to be processed and will depend on officer capacity).

Fees, charges and lead times for 2022-23


Permission Description of Purpose Deadline Cost
Promotional Activity / Events on the Public Highway Promotional distribution with minimal infrastructure and low impact - includes up to two distributors per site ***At least 10 working days Min £678
Each additional distributor (per site, per three days) £31
Promotional distribution lasting longer than three days (must contact the special events team prior to submission) POA
Temporary street trading licence (per trader/stall) for commercial events and temporary markets £26
Temporary Highways Consent All temporary structures placed on the public highway (including footway) for events require a Temporary Highway Consent. ***At least 10 working days £250
Planning and Building Control Planning or advertising permissions may be required, dependant on the activity.
Building Control may advise that a Section 30 licence is required for any structures built for an event.
For more information, visit our planning website.
Dependant on proposed activity POA
Temporary Events Notice (TEN’s) This is given by an individual (a premises user) and authorises the premises user to conduct one or more licensable activities (Licensing Act 2003) at the premises for no more than 96 hours. TEN’s can be used to authorise relatively small – scale ad hoc events held at the premises involving less than 499 people at one time. Find more information and apply. ***10 working days £21
Premises License A Premises License - required for one or more licensable activity (Licensing Act 2003). For more information, please contact the Licensing Team, [email protected] 020 7341 5152.
Find more information and apply
Recommend three months Dependent on the premises rate-able value
Commercial events in parks Events under 3000 attendees

50% concession for:
  • Registered charity
  • Not for profit organisations
  • Voluntary organisations meeting criteria
***At least 6 weeks for small events, 3 months for large events £1622
Events over 3000 attendees

50% concession for:
  • Registered charity
  • Not for profit organisations
  • Voluntary organisations meeting criteria
Community Events in Parks Events 1- 499 attendees ***At least 6 weeks for small events, 3 months for large events £104
Events 500 – 999 attendees £260
Events 1000 – 1999 attendees £520
Events 2000+ attendees £1040
Road Closure

Closures of a road for an event.
Find more information and apply

NB: You may also need to employ the services of a traffic management company, to implement the placement of traffic signs and cones and barriers to close off your area of works and to show the diversion routes etc.

6 weeks (small streets only) 12 weeks (if affected road is used as a TfL route). £1692
Parking bay suspension 15 working days, in writing, to suspend a resident, diplomatic, numbered disabled bay, car club or doctor's parking bay
5 working days, in writing, to suspend a pay-and-display or blue badge disabled bay.
Where chargeable days are not booked as cumulative, seven consecutive days are required between the end of an application and the start of a new one for the same location and by same applicant.
Please contact the Special Events department for a suspension application form.
***Resident Bay 15 working days. P&D bays 5 working Days £58 per bay, per day

Additional fees

Description  Fee
Late application £89
Administration fee £108 per hour
Cancellation fee £89 per application
Site visit £108 per hour

Fees may increase depending on the complexity of your event.

Please note, for all minimum charges outlined in the table above, administration time has been included in these fees and will only increase in instances where more than four hours is spent on an application.

COVID-19 update

The Events team continue to be available to discuss any future event proposals, review plans and offer guidance during this time. Please contact the Events Team before applying to find out if your event is suitable for the location you are proposing at this time. 

If you are considering organising an event, please be aware of lead-in times or application deadlines that need to be taken into account before deciding your event date and that each event is considered on a case-by-case basis.

Applicants are advised to use the Covid-19 Outdoor Event Guidance document below to assist with understanding what is expected to be included across all areas of planning.

This document should be read in conjunction with our standard event guidelines as well as the specific Government and industry guidance that applies to your activities.

Apply to hold an outdoor event

If you have any questions, or need help with anything, contact us at:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 020 7341 5762

Last updated: 1 April 2022