Grenfell Community Assembly

The Grenfell Community Assembly is a forum that provides the North Kensington community with the opportunity to come together and discuss issues that matter to them with the Council and its partner agencies.

Meetings focus on different themes each time depending on what residents vote to discuss. Following the event, a written record of the discussions is provided along with a document detailing how the Council and its partner agencies plan to respond to any issues raised throughout the Assembly.

The Grenfell Community Assembly met for the first time in September 2019. You can find details of all the Grenfell Community Assemblies held since then below.

Current position

Council officers are currently working with elected members and the community to review the Grenfell Community Assembly to ensure it is an effective forum for community questions and challenge. Further information will appear on this page in due course. 

Previous meetings

Click on the drop downs below to view meeting notes and action response lists from previous assembly meetings.

Grenfell Community Assembly on community safety - 22 February 2022

Read the meeting notes and action list from the Grenfell Community Assembly which was held online on 22 February 2022

Grenfell Community Assembly on emotional health and wellbeing - 9 September 2021

Read the meeting notes and action list from the Grenfell Community Assembly which was held online on Thursday 9 September 2021.

Grenfell Community Assembly on employment and skills - 22 March 2021

Read the meeting notes from the Grenfell Community Assembly which was held online on Monday 22 March 2021.

Read the actions list arising from the March 2021 Grenfell Community Assembly.

Grenfell Community Assembly on activities for young people – Monday 25 January 2021


Read the meeting notes from the Grenfell Community Assembly which was held online on Monday 25 January 2021.

Read the actions list arising from the November 2020 Grenfell Community Assembly.


Grenfell Community Assembly on Grenfell Projects Fund – Tuesday 18 November 2020


Read the meeting notes from the Grenfell Community Assembly which was held online on Tuesday 18 November.

Read the actions list arising from the November 2020 Grenfell Community Assembly.

Grenfell Community Assembly on environmental issues - Thursday 23 January 2020


Read the meeting notes from the Grenfell Community Assembly which was held on Thursday 23 January at The Curve Community Centre.

Read the actions list arising from the January 2020 Grenfell Community Assembly.

Grenfell Community Assembly on health and wellbeing – Tuesday 24 September 2019


Read about residents discussions that took place at the first Grenfell Assembly held at Avondale Park School.  The Assembly touched upon mental health, children and young people’s health, primary care and local GP services, self-care and prevention, respiratory, soil and air, long-term health monitoring.

Read the actions list for the Council and NHS arising from the September Assembly.


Last updated: 13 August 2024