Noise and nuisance


Resolve a problem with noise or nuisance

The steps you can take to resolve a problem with noise or nuisance

Common noise complaints

Information on common noise complaints including air conditioning units and noisy neighbours with details on how the Council takes action.

The law

Legislation covering noise and nuisance including Defining Statutory Nuisance and a list of Statutory Nuisances.

Avoid causing a nuisance

How can you avoid being a nuisance and stop noise problems arising with your neighbours. Here's a list of some of the most common complaints received by the Council and some tips on how you can avoid being a nusiance.

Noise and nuisance

Information on how to resolve a noise or nuisance problem, including advice for builders and the law.

How you can help to resolve a problem

Advice from the noise and nuisance team on how you can help resolve a problem

Contact the Noise and Nuisance Team

How to refer a complaint to the Noise and Nuisance Team, and what to expect.

About the Noise and Nuisance service

About the Royal Borough's Noise and Nuisance Service. What standards you can expect, and how to make a complaint.

Taking legal action yourself

If you have been disturbed by noise and have been unable to resolve the problem, either informally or through the noise team, then you may want to take further action.

Noise terminology

With over 10,000 noise and nuisance complaints being directed to the Council, here's some background details on noise and noise levels.

Steps for builders

Guidance about the steps that developers and builders should take to make sure that building sites follow best practice.

Advice for residents

Information for residents experiencing disruption caused by building works.

Controlling busking in the Borough - Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs)

How busking is controlled in Kensington and Chelsea.

Consultation on the Draft Code of Construction Practice

Review and comment on the Consultation of the Draft Code of Construction Practice