Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy

Community Safety Partnership Board

This is the crime and disorder reduction partnership for the Borough and is responsible for delivery of the Community Safety Strategy.


  • Local authority
  • Police service
  • Primary Care Trust
  • Probation service
  • Fire and Rescue service
  • Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA)
  • Tenant Management Organisation (TMO)
  • Government Office for London (GOL)


To make Kensington and Chelsea safer as a result of:

  • residents and visitors taking responsibility for reducing their chances of becoming a victim
  • public and private agencies in the borough maximising opportunities to design out crime
  • increasing the likelihood of offenders being caught through improved intelligence gathering, crime analysis and targeting of prolific and other priority offenders
  • confronting antisocial behaviour, the illegal use of drugs and the misuse of alcohol
  • increasing parental responsibility for the behaviour of children
  • providing effective education programmes for children and young people and timely support when offending behaviour becomes apparent


  • Residents are and feel more secure in their homes and daily lives
  • More offenders are caught, convicted and stop offending and victims are better supported
  • A reduction in the use of illegal drugs and the misuse of alcohol
  • Young people are less likely to be involved in crime and disorder either as victims or perpetrators
Remember for all police emergencies dial 999.


Last updated: 29 November 2019