Information about Residents' Associations

Information on what a resident association is, listings, registering your association, plus support and useful guides.

What is a residents' association?

A residents’ association is a group of people from the same area who get together because of a shared interest in a local area. These associations might organise community events for local people or work to make changes in their area. Residents’ associations can play an important role in strengthening communities and bringing residents together.

Why start a residents’ association?

Some groups are set up to generally protect the interests of the community and improve the local area.

Why start a residents' association?

A residents' association can bring people together to accomplish more than they can as individuals, as well as bring together the views of different residents to understand and address local issues.

Tenants’ associations are formally constituted group that represent residents with a shared landlord. They can:

  • Have a voice in planning for the local area
  • Represent the views of local people to the Council or a landlord
  • Be recognised as a democratically elected group and have more influence.
Some groups are set up to achieve a specific aim, such as:


  • Helping to tackle antisocial behaviour or crime
  • Protesting against planned developments in their area
  • Raising funds to improve local facilities, such as community gardens or play areas.
Members of residents’ associations find that:


  • They can develop a community spirit
  • Individuals enjoy becoming more involved in their community
  • They can improve opportunities for people to meet socially
  • People get a sense of achievement and pride in a community that they have helped to build

There are hundreds of active tenant and resident associations in the borough and it's likely there will be one you can join in your local area.

Looking for details on all associations?

View a full list of all residents associations that have registered with us and elected to share their contact details.

Alternatively visit our residents' asssociation search page.

Register your residents association

Register your residents’ association on the Council's contact database to ensure you are informed about any relevant local news (e.g., funding opportunities, community events, or resident consultations) and for the option of being listed on our website for others to find you. See the list of associations.

Important: Please check the Residents Association database before you decide on a name for your association to ensure there is no existing association with that name.

Register your Residents Association

For any queries please contact the Community Engagement Team at [email protected] or on 020 7598 4633.

Last updated: 2 July 2021