Family Services Select Committee working group review of school exclusions

Family Services Select Committee working group review ofschool exclusions in Kensington and Chelsea

Share your experiences of school exclusion

At its October meeting, the Family Services Select Committee set up a working group to review school exclusions in Kensington and Chelsea. The working group is seeking views and evidence on school exclusion practice in Kensington and Chelsea as part of its review.

School exclusion refers to when headteachers exclude pupils for a fixed period or permanently for disciplinary reasons.

The scope of the review includes:

  • the comparatively high exclusion rate in Kensington and Chelsea and the specific factors and reasons affecting primary/secondary school exclusions in the borough
  • the extent to which young people permanently excluded from school are able to return to mainstream education
  • the school, third sector and council-based provision and initiatives in place to reduce exclusion –including the Vulnerable Children’s Collaborative (VCC) and the Inclusion Programme— examining whether early intervention has supported inclusion
  • the impact of exclusion on pupils and their families, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of managed moves
  • alternative and offsite provision, including the behaviour outreach service
  • how funding is used to commission support for students at risk of exclusion or excluded
  • to what extent are schools able to access multi-agency support

Working group members are seeking views, experiences and evidence on the points set out in the scope of this review. They would like to gather information from as wide a range of sources as possible to inform their findings.

Members would like to hear from schools, including alternative providers, and education professionals about practice and evidence. They would especially like to hear about the experiences and perspectives of parents, carers and voluntary and community organisations which represent those pupils excluded or more likely to be excluded.

Members welcome the views of children and young people. There will be further opportunities for children and young people to provide their views during the course of the review but, where they would like to take part in this call for evidence, members welcome this.

How to respond

Please email your responses by 4 March 2020 to us at: [email protected] and write ‘School exclusion submission’ in the subject line. Please also state clearly who the submission is from (for example: whether from yourself in a personal capacity or sent on behalf of an organisation).

If you are unable to use email, please post your responses to:

Scrutiny Team
Kensington Town Hall
The Town Hall
Hornton Street
W8 7NX


What happens next

The information gathered through this call for evidence will inform the working group’s final report.


School exclusions: listening to your views, experience and evidence

Are you a Third sector or community organisation, Police Safer School Officer or school representative?

Select Committee members want to hear about your experiences with school exclusions.

Email us at: [email protected] to come and discuss your views with scrutiny members so you can help inform our review school of exclusions.

  • Wednesday 4 March 2020: 9.30am to 12.30pm at The Tabernacle, 34-35 Powis Square, Notting Hill, W11 2AY


Parents and carers: do you have experiences with school exclusions?

Email us at: [email protected] to come and discuss your views with scrutiny members so you can help inform our review of school exclusions.

  • Wednesday 4 March 2020: 1.30pm to 3.30pm at The Tabernacle, 34-35 Powis Square, Notting Hill, W11 2AY


Terms of Reference

For more details on the review please see its terms of reference:


Last updated: 18 July 2023