Licences and site layout

Licences, plans and site layout

To minimise the impact of building work on the highway, developers and builders need to make sure they understand the Council's requirements for:

  • licences and consents
  • Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMP)
  • site layout

Details are outlined in the table below.

Read this alongside our advice for vehicles and roads which covers requirements for:

  • deliveries
  • parking
  • how to prevent mud and dust on the roads

Read more about vehicles and roads.

Many site management issues are a matter of good housekeeping. If you neglect them, we may take enforcement action.

Key requirements


Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMPs)


Site layout

1. Approval is required to carry out any works on the highway.

A licence is required to lift the footway and make a temporary excavation


1. If required, these will normally be set as a planning condition and must be approved before works relating to the permission commence



1. Sites should be fenced to deter public access


2. Apply for a licence to place temporary structure on the highway (e.g scaffolding, hoardings, gantries or storage of materials on the highway) 


2. In summary, CTMPs should cover

  • routing of vehicles
  • site access arrangements
  • estimation of vehicle movements per day
  • details of vehicle holding areas
  • parking arrangements
  • required suspensions
  • work programme and timing for each phase of the development
  • a strategy for co-ordinating the connection of services on site with any programmed work to utilities on adjacent land



2. Gates in the fencing or hoarding should be positioned and constructed to minimise noise transmission and must not open outwards onto the highway

3. Apply for a licence to place a skip on the highway



3. Check out the Council’s information about:


4. For a street works licence to place and retain, inspect, repair or alter apparatus (e.g drains, cables, ducts, sewer pipes etc) in a street, contact the Private Works Engineers on 020 7341 5240




Read more about Managing Traffic and Transport

5. For information about fixed and mobile cranes and rigging please contact the Highways Officer on 020 8753 5132



6. Consent is required to close any part of a road or footpath, at least 8 weeks in advance



7. Please note, failure to obtain the right licence may result in an offence being committed and you could be liable on summary conviction to a fine.


Last updated: 29 November 2019