About the CSPAN inclusive sub-group

About the CSPAN inclusive sub-group

The CSPAN inclusive sport and physical activity sub-group was established in September 2013. Is is building on the work delivered by the Disability Sub-Group.

The aim is to develop the strategy for providing inclusive sport and physical activity.

LD multi sports day

What the group does

The main objectives for the group are to: 

  • encourage and support people in the borough who have a disability or impairment.
  • allow people to get more involved in sport and physical activity, and to increase opportunities.
  • identify and support clubs, facilities and providers to become more inclusive and accessible
  • support partners' existing priorities and targets within one joined up plan based on local needs

How the group works

Within the inclusive sub-group, we:

  • work together on specific funding opportunities
  • share information and ensure all members receive regular updates on news and events
  • offer expert advice to organisations and projects in the borough

Find out more

Last updated: 29 November 2019