Girls Youth Group @ Dalgarno Trust


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The Girls Only Youth Club offers a variety of activities including cooking, arts and crafts, games, fitness, and much more, providing a secure space exclusively for girls. Come and be a part of this amazing experience!

4.30-6pm for 7-11 year olds 

4.30-7.30pm for 12-18 year olds 

Booking is essential 

Although every effort is made to ensure information on the Family Information Service directory is kept up-to-date, we would advise contacting the service provider before attending to confirm session details remain unchanged.

Who to contact

073887 82590 073887 82590
[email protected]
Youth programme home page
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Where to go

Dalgarno Trust
Dalgarno Trust, 1
Webb Close

W10 5QB

View W10 5QB on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Wednesday term time: 4.30-6pm for 7-11 year olds; 4.30-7.30pm for 12-18 year olds

Last Updated

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