Thomas Jones Primary School (Kensington and Chelsea)


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In the context of Notting Hill, Thomas Jones is unique, in that it is the only community school with a single form of entry. One advantage of this is that it frequently feels like a ‘big family’.

Exceptionally gentle and welcoming, younger pupils know Year 6 well and vice versa. All pupils are made to feel special. In this environment, positive, authentic relationships develop, which in turn support and nurture the well-being of each individual. Nursery and Reception are by far our most important cohorts, simply because this is where everything begins. Attending all assemblies, attired immaculately in the same garb as their older peers, they contribute much and are celebrated at every opportunity. Early Years practice is exceptional.

Nursery provision

The school offers nursery provision. Funded places available for eligible children.

This setting is registered to accept the Early Education and Childcare funded hours for:

Wraparound childcare / clubs information:

Breakfast club time: from 8am

Breakfast club cost: £2 per session

After school club time: until 17.45pm

After school club cost: £8 per session

Provider: School

Holiday provision: N/A

Provider: N/A

Additional information: 

Open to under 5s: N/A

Note: for children attending this school only. 

Information correct as of September 2024. Please do check with the school for any changes to the wraparound/clubs provision and for further information.

Who to contact

020 7727 1423 020 7727 1423
[email protected]
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SEN information report: SEN-information-report.pdf (

Ofsted information: Ofsted | Bousfield Primary School

Where to go

Thomas Jones Primary School
St. Marks Road

W11 1RQ

View W11 1RQ on a map

Childcare Information

Funded Places

Has 3 & 4 year old funding

Last Updated

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