St Mary's Catholic Primary School (Kensington and Chelsea)


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St Mary's RC Primary School

We are a friendly multi-cultural and inclusive two form entry school in North Kensington, with a strong community feel.

Nursery provision

The school offers nursery provision. Funded places available for eligible children.

This setting is registered to accept the Early Education and Childcare funded hours for:

Wraparound childcare / clubs information:

Breakfast club time: from 8am

Breakfast club cost: £4 per session

After school club time: until 6pm

After school club cost: £12 per session

Provider: Aktiva @Ark Brunel

Holiday provision: N/A

Provider: N/A

Additional information: 

Open to under 5s: Yes

Note: for children attending this school only. 

Information correct as of September 2024. Please do check with the school for any changes to the wraparound/clubs provision and for further information.

Who to contact

020 8969 0321 020 8969 0321
[email protected]
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
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SEN information report: SEND-information-report (

Ofsted information: Ofsted | Saint Mary's Catholic Primary School

Where to go

St. Marys Rc Infant & Primary School
East Row

W10 5AW

View W10 5AW on a map

Childcare Information

Funded Places

Has 3 & 4 year old funding

Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands
Primary (5-11 years)

Last Updated

Last updated:

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