Playful Pre-schoolers


Communication and language

Games and activities such as the ones below may help support your child's communication and language development:

Talk to your child about what they are looking forward to when starting in their new school. Discuss any fears they may have and encourage them to be excited. Talk about their school uniform and their new routine. What questions would they like to ask their new teacher? What would they like to learn in Reception?

Pre-schoolers continue to love role-playing and imitating what adults do! Encourage your child to help you with basic house chores such as with the laundry. As you do this together, talk to your child about the different patterns, fabric, materials for them to expand their vocabulary.

Role/pretend play are great ways to get your child engaged and having fun together! For instance, you could use toy tea set or just small cups, sauces and pots from your kitchen cupboard and prentend making some 'tea'. Name every object and encourage your child to repeat new words!

Read stories with your child and talk about the pictures, characters and events in the book. Encourage your them to make predictions about what might happen next, talk about their favourite parts of the story and make links to their own experiences.


Find more ideas and information about babies' communication and language development on the following sites: 

Preschool learning :: Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (

Learning to talk 3 to 5 years - NHS (

Infancy 3-5 years | Ages and stages developmental milestones | SLT for Kids 

Physical development

Personal, social and emotional development



Understanding of the world

Expressive arts and design

Video gallery

Activities to do at home

Here is a video to show how you can make Cornflower worms at home: 

Flower Pot Rocket: 

Bubble snake: 

Here is a video about a child making music with glasses of water: 

BBC Tiny Happy People testimonials: 

Please find more Sign and rhyme videos in your community language






Further resources and links

Page last reviewed: 24/09/2024

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