Pre-school health notifications


When a health care professional identifies that a young child, under 5, may have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) they are required by law to tell the local authority. This is called a Health Early Notification.

In the Bi-Borough (Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster), a service called the Service Navigator has been set up specifically to manage these notifications from health colleagues. The service has been designed to help you get any information and support you may want in relation to your child’s needs. 


How do health care professionals tell the Local Authority about my child? 

Health care professionals will complete a short form providing information about their assessment of your child’s needs. The form also contains basic personal details about you and your child. This will help the local authority identify the most appropriate type of support that you and your child may need.

The form, and any other assessment or diagnosis records, will then be sent to the local authority.


Is my information safe?

Health care professionals will share any information about you and your child with the local authority in strict accordance with current data protection rules. The local authority will make sure you understand your rights about how your data is used and will ask for your permission to share your information with anyone else.

If you do not want your information to be shared with anyone else, the local authority will take no further action. They may offer information about other organisations and services that might be able to help, if that would be useful to you.


Want to know more? 

Please download our "Overview of Health Notifications" document for more information on the Front Door and Health Notification processes. 

You can also download the Health Notification form here

 You can also contact the Service Navigator directly:

Name:  Samantha McBride, Service Navigator.

Number: 07790 362267

Email: [email protected]

A leaflet for parents is shown below. 

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  1. SEND Health Notification Form
  2. Overview of the Front Door and Health Notification Processes
  3. Health Notifications Leaflet for Parents

Page last reviewed: 26/04/2023

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