Filippos Tsitsopoulos

man holding glass sculpture

Filippos Tsitsopoulos

Filippos Tsitsopoulos (1967) is a painter, installation, media and performance artist who explores the limits and the interfaces between performance and painting since the 1990s. His practice engages the spectator/participant to a “new” form of theatre that integrates performativity as a catalyst of our daily life. Theatrical conventions and props are applied to his visual practices such as masks made from living materials including animals or plants.

His video installations have been exhibited at a variety of distinguished venues and contemporary art institutions including:

The Serpentine Gallery, FACT Liverpool, The Bluecoat, in Frieze Art Fair London, in Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin, twice in the Tate Modern, in Toynbee Studios and in Artsadmin, in CGAC de Santiago de Compostela, at the Chelsea Theatre in London this last year and in Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin with the project “Goya Prophet der Moderne” at 2005 and many more.

Visit Filippos Tsitsopoulos website for more information.
